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Ep 116: When Buying Online Courses, Do This
Show Notes: Create a library of your courses. Self-Education Self-educate when it's your own time, not when you could be getting/talking to clients. Buy low-ticket courses, mainly to see who you should hire later on. We want ILC to be your go to resource for you...
Ep 115: Stop Doing Free Discovery, & Coaching Sessions (Do This Instead)
Show Notes: By offering a free call, you let the other person believe everything they get is free. Help them create an EXPERIENCE. One of the most important funnels you can have - A Booking Funnel. Position the assessment as if you're doing them a favor. Send them...
Ep 114: How To Make Sure Your Business is Completely Legal w/ Christy Westerfeld
Show Notes: Have a reliable onboarding process. You don't want your clients to think you're cutting corners. Make your first impression AMAZING. You want to protect yourself from refunds and legal action. Make sure your business name is unique. When building your...
Ep 113: 5 Stages To A Successful Launch
Show Notes: You cannot be afraid to sell. Don't live and die by the "launch." Plan out your launch and offer. Awareness - get your message right around the problem you solve. Build Anticipation - make sure people know something big is coming. Acquisition ...
Ep 112: 3 Keys To Daily Sales Using Video To Make w/ Michael Moore
Show Notes: You can connect with people on whole other level when you use video. Every great video that converts, follows a great framework. A lot of people aren't creating desire with their offer. 1. Nail your messaging. 2. Create Converting Content. From the...
Ep 111: The 5 Things to Stop Doing if You Aren't Making 20k/mo In Your Coaching Business
Show Notes: Stop working on a book. Stop working on a website. Automated Courses. Part of being a successful entrepreneur is recognizing where someone else is doing something that you want to do, but they're much further ahead. Monthly Membership. Masterminds and...
Ep 110: Build A 7-Figure Marriage & A 7-Figure Business w/ Monica Tanner
Show Notes: Don't wait till you're in crisis, to make the change. Everything flows from your relationship. When you feel connected, supported and loved by your partner, everything else in your life is elevated. Prioritize your relationship. Put your partner on you...
Ep 109: Does Giving Away Too Much Information Slow Down Your Sales?
Show Notes: Fix Your Mindset. The Law of Reciprocity. People that see what you're giving away for FREE are going to wonder what you're SELLING. Because what you're giving away is already so good. Buyers BUY! Buyers are going to buy from you because they want it done...
Ep 108: Overcoming Your Auto Pilot Thought Patterns w/ Kip Brooks
Show Notes: Most of the time we feel like something is blocking us from the success we keep trying to claim. Get present. The Conscious mind takes up 95%, The Unconscious takes up 5%. Get aware. We often go through life not knowing how our mind and bodies work. You...
Ep 107: How Effective Is Your Funnel?
Show Notes: Mistakes You Might Be Making With Your Funnel: Your funnel does not work the right way. Too many options on the Linktree - A Confused Mind Never Buys You're offering free stuff, but the funnel doesn't take them somewhere to take another step. You're...
Ep 106: Your Next Client Is On LinkedIn w/ Myranda Love
Show Notes: Premium LinkedIn vs. Free LinkedIn: Premium - speeds everything up, cells navigator, finds your ideal clients, free 30 day trial. People show up "Professionally" on LinkedIn. Mistakes People Make: 1. Making their profile like a resume. 2. Not being active...
Ep 105: We Would Be Homeless, If Not For This…
Show Notes: The strongest and the smartest don't survive, the ones that adapt, survive and thrive, BUT a lot of us don't know how to adapt. You have to be set on a firm foundation in order to be adaptable. 2020 wasn't the year that anyone expected, but those who were...