Show Notes:

  1. Stop working on a book.
  2. Stop working on a website.
  3. Automated Courses. Part of being a successful entrepreneur is recognizing where someone else is doing something that you want to do, but they're much further ahead.
  4. Monthly Membership.
  5. Masterminds and Retreats.

Is your core offer developed enough?

We want ILC to be your go to resource for you succeeding as a digital entrepreneur! So be sure to stay plugged in, stay connected, and let us know how we can help you in YOUR business and life. Don't be shy. Comment below, email us, comment on YouTube, FB or IG. We will ALWAYS get back to you and get you moving in the right direction!

ILC will also provide highly useful, FREE training on our website and youtube channel, plus bonus support with the ILC community!

We believe that you can create passive income online to create the lifestyle of your dreams, never give up, never settle, be intentional, and always create! You're always one choice away from a completely new lifestyle!

Don't forget! Connect with us on YOUTUBE and on INSTAGRAMSnap a quick pic of this episode and share it on your stories. Tag us @ilcuniversity and lets continue the convo there!

? Show Notes and Resources Mentioned in Today's Episode:

?Mentioned Resources:


? – Books We Suggest:

Thanks again for tuning in to today's episode!

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PS: This coming Monday we have a LIVE marketing training inside of our Facebook Group! Q&A, prizes, and new marketing strategies to help explode your online business. Starts sharp @noon est on Monday Want to join us? . LEARN MORE

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