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Ep 111: The 5 Things to Stop Doing if You Aren't Making 20k/mo In Your Coaching Business
Show Notes: Stop working on a book. Stop working on a website. Automated Courses. Part of being a successful entrepreneur is recognizing where someone else is doing something that you want to do, but they're much further ahead. Monthly Membership. Masterminds and...
Ep 109: Does Giving Away Too Much Information Slow Down Your Sales?
Show Notes: Fix Your Mindset. The Law of Reciprocity. People that see what you're giving away for FREE are going to wonder what you're SELLING. Because what you're giving away is already so good. Buyers BUY! Buyers are going to buy from you because they want it done...
Ep 97: Do You Know What Your Time Is Worth?
Show Notes: Figure out what parts of your life that have to be done, but you don't have time to do it. Find the things you could easily outsource that would be worth paying someone else to do it. What is your time worth per hour? We want ILC to be your go to resource...
Ep 93: Raise Your Prices Without Feeling Bad
Show Notes: Charging more can do your clients a better service. The more someone pays for something, means more attention and focus they will put into that service. Are you talking to the micro-niche that is looking for a high-ticket...
Ep 88: How To Guarantee Profit in ANY Ad Campaign
Show Notes: You SHOULD be paying for leads and traffic. You can make 5-10k without paying for ads BUT you probably can't sustain that. MINDSET - there is no such thing as losing money on ads. You pay for data. Be able to make adjustments....
Ep 84: High Ticket Objection Secrets
Show Notes: It's all about how you present yourself. Objections don't have to be a bad thing. Knowing why people don't want your product or service, allows you to make adjustments. Recognize the bullshit and TRY not to get wrapped up in it. "No Money" - "If you had...
Ep 81: Should Your Prices Go On Your Website?
Show Notes: Why you should NOT... You don't want people to see the price before they see the presentation - you don't want them to put all their focus on the price and not what it's for. Hop on a call with them so you can lay it all out, so they get a full...
Ep 78: Building Your Business Credit w/ Jesse Miller
Show Notes: You need to grow your business! Be able to use that debt to increase your business, your income. You're not going to get anywhere, saving money. Check your habits, how do you spend your money? It's okay to be where you are now, you just need to learn how...
Ep 75: Get Over Your Money Blocks ASAP
Show Notes: They are bound to come up. Saving to save vs. Saving to invest = completely different mindsets. It's okay to be saving for future goals, but don't stop INVESTING in yourself because you can't make more money for those future goals if you're not...
Ep 72: Selling High Ticket Packages Made Easy with Taryn Landberg
Show Notes: People will PAY for you to solve their problem. Get a lot of clarity around your ideal client. It's all about their process and their technique - there is something special about what you do and you should continuously verbalize...
Ep 71: How to Justify Raising Your Prices and Packages
Show Notes: DON'T give discounts to people that DON'T need them. 1 - Each time you invest in yourself, raise your prices. 2 - Pay attention to the marketplace. 3 - Know YOUR goals. 4 - Get clear on your promise. 5 - ROI - Return On...
Ep 68: The 15 Rules of Money To Never Break with Cedrick, Part 3
Show Notes: 11. Never waste money on things just to impress people you don't even like. "Serve people instead of serving yourself." 12. Never buy a brand new car unless you're willing to lose 20% of the value in the first 6 months. 13....