I am here to answer the age old question for many network marketers! Should I sell my product or should I be selling my opportunity? Well the simple answer is – BOTH! You should be sharing the product and the opportunity each and every day. But to do this effectively so you can get into your PROFIT zone is what I will cover right now.

Take McDonald's, for example. They don't make the bulk of their money with franchisees, do they? Of course not. Of the over 1 billion customers served all over the world, there are only 13,918 restaurants operating in the US. What does this mean for you and your network marketing business?! Your focus should be on gaining CUSTOMERS! You wouldn't open a pizza place and suddenly ask all your friends and family if they would like to open their own pizza place because you gain a small royalty if they do. You may present that opportunity to the one person you know has some business experience, right? EXACTLY!

Now, that with that same pizza place, here's the thing, you will never stop selling pizzas, right? Or at least you shouldn't. There may come a point where YOU yourself do less of the selling, but the stores must always move product. The same goes for your network marketing business. When you reach a really high rank, you may do less selling of the product, because you're too busy helping OTHERS sell the product. However, if you want to continue to meet new team members, you'll want to have a steady stream of new customers. I hope that helps and that you've seen a TON of value in this little post!

Want to go a little deeper on how to actually find the people that WANT to be distributors? Check out this FREE TRAINING on how I enrolled 70+ distributors to MY networking business all using Facebook.

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Ryan McMorris

Email: Ryan.Mcmorris@me.com

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PS: {Caught On Tape} Watch My Buddy Justice Fire His Boss on this awesome video, Actually caught this on tape! He's a full time networker now, watch his last moments as an employee – CLICK FOR INSTANT ACCESS