Any marketer can upload a video to the internet but there are certain marketers that are using video to generate 20-30 leads daily using video marketing correctly! Did you know that there are over 30 billion Facebook video ads viewed each month! So if you're NOT using video in your marketer, or if you're using video and NOT getting the results you're seeing others get then this will be the six figure format you'll want to cover!
This formula will help you ensure better results IF you're already doing video. If you're not doing videos you're missing out on passively building relationships with your audience with is a HUGE reason why they BUY from you in the first place. The Relationship!
Target Market:
First things first is making SURE you're speaking to the correct people. There is nothing worse than waisting time talking to the wrong person. Could you imagine talking to a vegetarian about how good you are at making the Best hamburgers in town!? Of course not, So lets make sure you're speaking directly to the RIGHT market! If you want to learn more about finding your target market, I cover it with a TON of detail in my FREE 7 Day Online Marketing Bootcamp.
Now Lets Get To The Video:
A Good Introduction: Introduce yourself clearly and with authority. Present yourself as the expert for what you're about to cover and ask a question that you KNOW your target market is asking themselves. For example, ” Are you struggling to lose weight…” “Do you want to travel more…” “Are you curious how others have been able to quit their jobs” This will get your viewer engaged! We are living in an A.D.D. Society.
Be specific: Let your viewer(s) know EXACTLY what you will be covering in your video. When your viewer knows exactly what problems will be solved after watching your video..they have to stick around.
Give Strong Value: Think of a few tips that are simple and easy to share. These tips should help the viewer with answering the question in the beginning of the video. 
Hammer The Problem: Its important to remind the viewer of the pains and struggles, this will prepare them for the next part of the video. Providing the solution…
Providing The Solution: Be very specific about how your solution can help them their problems (Get this free ebook on how to lose 5 pounds in 7 days…)
Something Free and of Value should always be behind a Capture Page. Remember the whole point of generating leads using video is to get their info. A capture page is the best way to do exactly that. This is how you exchange more information for their contact info. You'll want a powerful headline and a way to capture their info. Want to learn more about creating powerful capture pages, This is the system I use to create all my capture pages – Click Here To Access My System.
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Ryan Mcmorris
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